Friday, April 30, 2010

Cracked Tongue

So I have been having trouble with my would come and go. I was blaming it on spicy foods I was eating and the sonic ice I love to crunch on. Thought I was keeping it irritated. Finally it got so bad I knew I had to figure out something. So I asked 2 of my Facebook friends who I knew where into holistic healing. I have learned to seek there first. Both told me right need to be taking a vitamin b complex. Well....I started on it right away and BAM in just 2 days it is lots better!! I just think its amazing that our bodies will tell us when something is wrong if we will just pay attention and listen. Doctors just want to cover up the symptoms with drugs...which does not fix the problem but masks the symptoms until it develops into some serious disease! Prevention is the answer......but that does not makes lots of money so we are taught that doctors and drugs are the answer. God created our bodies to work and heal themselves....why would we expect anything else than perfection from Him! Its the things we do to them as humans that destroy and create disease. I am so trying to tune into and listen to my body as it tells me what it needs and when it needs it.

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